Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time Management for Writers--Part Three

Writer Wednesday

If you're like most writers, this isn't your full-time job. You may work outside the home. You might have children to care for. You might have a sick family member that takes up much of your time.

Whatever it is, not many writers have the luxury of writing ten hours a day to crank out that manuscript. Here are some tips to help you manage your time better, and find more time to write:

11. Do you have an appointment or meeting coming up? Plan ahead and make any calls or do any tasks related to the meeting, such as mapping directions.
12. Assign a due date to all tasks in your calendar--they'll be more likely to get done.
13. Add in cushions of time between appointments and meetings for emails, phone calls, travel, etc.
14. Write recurring events in your planner several months in advance. Or schedule them as recurring in your electronic calendar.
15. Confirm all appointments and meetings two days prior. Confirm date, time and location. Record other attendee's phone number in your planner in case you are running late and need to call them.

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