Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Store Items Where You Use Them--Garage and Yard

Tips for Tuesday

Although this makes perfect sense, many people, for whatever reason, don't store items near where they use them. Maybe whoever helped them move in decided where things should go. Maybe the space is better designed elsewhere for what you want to store. Maybe you were pressed for time and just put things wherever they would fit. However, your life will run more smoothly if you follow this simple rule--store items near where you use them. Here are some tips for the garage and yard:

• Store children's toys near the front of the garage for easy access.
• Store paper goods and other household items near the adjoining door to the house.
• If you have a shed, keep all your gardening and lawn care equipment there.
• Keep pool toys and equipment in a closed container on the patio or deck.
• Keep tools on shelving and in storage containers near the tool bench.
• Store non-seasonal items (snowblower, shovels, picnic baskets) in the back of the garage, then rotate them forward as the seasons change.
• If you have room, keep bikes near the garage door. Otherwise, hang them from the garage ceiling.

There are no hard and fast rules here. If something is more functional in a different area, then by all means, store it there.

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